When was the last time you laughed, really laughed? Well today's prescription is laughter! Remember ~ sorry or anger can not co-exist with joy! So tell a joke, watch a funny movie or reflect on a funny incident and have a hearty bell laugh. Let me know what it works for you ;)
In honor of Nelson Mandela's 95th Birthday:"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."~ From Mandela's book, "Long Walk to Freedom"
What fears have you recently released and when did you last let your greatness shine? Share your story so we can all learn and grow.... What is your name? Not your given name but the name that reflects your purpose on this earth plane. Is it Compassion, Generosity, Peace, Grace, Love, Wisdom.? Are you in alignment with this name? Breathe - no matter the outer appearance, the Universe knows the truth of you...so be courageous and claim YOUR NAME!!
A gentle reminder: You are never alone no matter what you're going through. Call on God, your Spirit Friends, Angels to guide and direct your way. Breathe and let IN-SPIRATION in and see how powerful you are!!
As you celebrate this July 4th, take a moment to appreciate the things that bring you joy - family, friends, sunshine, your home, music, good food, the power of prayer and your connection to Spirit. Just being alive is beautiful miracle!!!
I'm always talking about the importance of meditation...here's a great talk on the topic that you might find interesting...You deserve 10mins a day to connect with your spirit!
http://on.ted.com/Puddicombe What walls have you created in your life that initially made you feel safe but now hinder you living the life you want? Is this wall around your heart, finances, health, career, spiritual connection? Remember FORGIVENESS and LOVE are key to breaking down these walls...So who do you need to forgive or show love to today? Maybe start with yourself....
Hope you had a great Father's Day!! May you continue to honor the fathering qualities and may it inspire a life on fire!!!
What you think is your reality! What are you thinking about and what do you believe it?
Every aspect of your life should be beautiful. To achieve a beautiful life, you must believe that the Universe is there for you. What do you do to connect with the Universe? Meditate, pray, dance or have you stopped doing the thing that aligns you with the Universe?
February 2015